Sunday, September 4, 2011

Unwilling Workoholic

Four months ago, I was shaken out of my college-induced reverie to start working. While it was a much anticipated move considering that I had to wait for eight months to receive the coveted joining letter, I was reluctant to let go of the easy life like most people. I have enlisted the changes which have crept in ever since I started working :

1. Become an extremely early riser. I have never been in bed longer than seven in the morning but now I am up by five thirty.

2. Become more conscious of the time. I hear this clock ticking loudly, dropping off every second like heavy lead balls on my head, making me aware of the outrageous amount of time I have wasted. The clock reprimands me even when I spend an extra minute brushing or bathing. Sigh.

3. I have started despising malls and the manner in which they lure and fool unsuspecting shoppers. I have seen the most fugly clothes put up for fifty percent sale- I would not even touch it when it has 'What were you thinking?' graffiti-ed over it. To cut a long story short, I have started looking for my money's worth in every petty thing I buy.

4. Now that I spend more than four hours(!!) every day commuting, I gobble books at a much faster rate and to numb the feeling of boredom, I blast peppy music on my headphones. So if you see a woman reading a thick book and nodding with the headphones on, say hey to her. There has been a steady increase in the number of tweets, a consequence of too much travelling and too little to do.

5. My social life is non-existent and I am sick of certain 'friends' taunts complaining that I do not catch up often, without giving a shit about the fact that their office is a stone's throw away and that I am half dead trying not to kill myself with work and travelling. I now make it a point to catch up with those patient ones who at least make an effort to be in your shoes.

6. I have realised that putting up a facade at work or in personal life never works. You are what you are, take it or leave it!

7. Weekends have become the most stressful with so many clothes to be ironed, so many closets to be cleaned and so many mails to be answered.

8. I have realised that it is not always possible to have everything, sometimes you have to let things go. The project I am working on is so good, the travelling seems like a inconsequential sacrifice.

9. There has been an exponential increase in the number of boils/pimples/acne on my face. I feel like a teenager, although not in the good sense.

The one thing that however has not changed is my unwavering faith in God because you know that a hundred things could go wrong but they don't :)


  1. Thanks :) You are the one who makes sure my comments do not stay at 0.

  2. Nice post.

    5:30 !!
    I wake up at 9 :) But return home at 12am :(.

    Its not just women who read books in long journeys while listening music. We do it as well. At least you'll find me doing the same in my 100 minute journey to office (200 min wasted in commuting daily).

    I'm always ready to catch up my friends for movie or just meet anywhere in malls, etc. on weekends. I love my friends :) But my family soon reminds me that I don't meet them as well during weekdays. I love my family :)

    Boils, Pimples- same here. Increased exponentially. Still I look awesome ;)

  3. Oh finally there is someone who is going through the same hell as me!
