Saturday, September 25, 2010

Excavated Poetry

I had penned this poem in eighth standard for Teacher's Day celebrations but somehow I never recited it for reasons I fail to recall. I remembered about this poem when I was asked to contribute for the same event in engineering college, so I rummaged through my papers(full of scribblings in illegible handwriting) and was lucky enough to find the poem. But yet again, the poem did not see the light of the day.
There goes the history of the poem. Now go ahead and read it!

It's amazing
how we started with,
One block by me,
The other by you,
Never noticed when you turned those blocks
into steps.
Steps that led me,
Towards light and knowledge.
And that's when realisation dawned,
It's amazing
The word 'teacher',
Because you teach me,
Whenever I err.
Happy teacher's day!

P.S. If you are thinking that this does not qualify as a poem, you may be right. But try thinking from the point of view of a fourteen year old and it may not appear that bad.


  1. i know dis poem....coll me tere buk me padha doesnt luk lyk written by a 14 yr old....
    u r born poet..rather born writer...

  2. :D
    What should I say? Your comments always leave me short of words :)

  3. oh daughter of knowledge! u r really talented. It's a good poem compared to the age of its composer. Congrats.
