Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pet Peeves

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray attempts to demarcate problem areas for men and women by pointing out essential differences and I must say he has done a good job. The book uses waves as a metaphor for women, with crests representing the phases wherein the XX species are in cheerful disposition and troughs representing the sulky aura we put up sometimes. No prizes for guessing which phase I am in.

I have been religiously ranting on the blog since it is therapeutic and much better than conjuring up violent plans to eliminate the source of irritation who most often that not is a person than an incident. So in keeping up with the spirit of sulkiness and my dark mood, I present to you this list who continue to grate my nerves and instigate violent reaction from me.

1. Loud people
I have never understood why there is a need to yell and get all agitated to drive home a point. Most of the time it turns out to be useless babble and the times it is something worth listening, your ear drums have suffered permanent damage.

2. Spit-happy people
When I see them color the town red, I have this permanent desire to repeat the action at their house.

3. The roadblocks
These are the people who will constantly stand in your way and commendably perform the job of a detractor.Constantly throwing up oppositions to your ideas and indulging in fault-finding, these people never go far in life and they wish the same for everyone around. Steer clear, I say.

4. Honking cars
Dude, you know there is a traffic jam ahead, your honking won't magically make it disappear, right?

5. Plain impractical people
They will suggest the most impractical plans but will not take up responsibility for it. If they have such great plans, maybe they could start with showing a bit of conviction na?

6. Water- babies
These people will behave like fishes who might just die if they are separated from water. With unfailing regularity, they will water their cars or flood the lawns without giving a damn to the wastage. I have seen nut cases around who will not relax their regime even during a water crisis while the upper floor residents wait for water to be pumped up to their tanks. Selfish, idiotic and narcissists are the keywords for them.

7. Fevicol varieties
These people are unfortunately under the illusion that the world is going to actually end in 2012 and as a result, are always in a hurry to know more about you, never mind the fact that you have been introduced only a moment ago. I am a very guarded person who loves her privacy while taking my own sweet time to open up. But if someone is under the impression that I will pop open audibly as a soda bottle, then it becomes necessary to make yourself clear.

8. I-am-so-great types
No description needed since everyone detests them. Except may be the cronies they are surrounded with.

I could go on and on, but it only shoots up my BP even thinking about such people *breathe in* *breathe out*. I have had enough of them and if you have in some way irritated me, you can be rest assured you have made it to the list.


  1. all these are not irritating all the time...depends on ur mood actually :)

  2. looks as if u r really pissed off des dayz.....idle mind shwetha's workshop ;)

  3. @Anand- Trust me, these things really bug me, no matter what the mood is. Especially the water wastage part.

    @Dilip- Bingo !

  4. @shwetha- really? the water wastage part bugs u? what happens during holi?

  5. Commenting for the first time on your blog :)

    I agree with you on most points. I *loathe* people who waste water. I have got into many a fight with people who've left taps (especially the drip-drip variety) on in washrooms. And no, I wasn't PMS-ing then. The roadblocks? I have them living around me. In my family, in my cubicle at work, one of my friends... YET I steer clear of them. That I'm hated is a no-brainer. :)

  6. *rubbing hands in glee on receiving a comment*

    I really wonder how you manage to steer clear from the roadblocks. I always try to take them head-on, bang my head and then give up. So this steering thing is worth a try!

  7. Oh I'm a convert. I was you not very long ago, I still am you at times. Old habits die hard after all. With time, you'll have a bubble around you like mine. I've painted it blue from the inside. :)

  8. I would paint it red then. Colour decided, now I have to wait for that bubble thing to envelope me :)
